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Vegetation Management, March 19, 2020

Fire season is now a year-round reality in El Dorado County and its surrounding areas. The tragic Camp Fire is but the latest example of the devastation from a wildfire out of control. But did you know:

  • 15 of the largest 20 fires in California history have happened since 2000.
  • Since 2007, El Dorado County has seen major fires that have destroyed structures, including the Angora and King fires, not to mention numerous small wildfires in communities throughout the County.

With the surge in fire activity, we know we need to increase prevention measures that could help decrease fire danger in El Dorado County communities. 

This website provides the latest on the County's efforts to help keep its residents prepared and safe for wildfires and links to other organizations that focus on wildfire prevention and preparedness. 

For recorded information about the Vegetation Management ordinance, please email or call 530-621-4663. If you have a question, please leave a message and your call will be returned.


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